April Conference!

Think it Over Again, Please

In today's society we often find ourselves criticizing or judging people due to their outer appearances or due to a social scale, disregarding the brightness of their personalities and qualities, thus resulting into self changes just so one can feel accepted. However could it be possible that at the end imperfections, insecurities, and competitiveness can beat out the boring idea of a normal and equal life? An eye-opening story titled "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. truly shows the meaning of life, the value of imagination, but most importantly the importance of freedom.

Throughout my life I have read many remarkable stories and books that have reminded me of how "lucky" or how "unfair" my life is compared to the character’s.  However, a story that is able to pull out such sympathy out of me same as this story will be a really hard one to top.  A story that has the ability to show a nightmare version of reality, confirming that sometimes imperfections are truly perfection is just fascinating. Vonnegut's story definitely drew those feelings from me as fast as a shark swimming under water, by simply using great symbolism and similarities. Such as when he phrases "He flung away his rubber-ball nose, revealed a man that would have awed Thor, the god of thunder", by this the author is trying to put an ironic weather condition such as thunder and show how powerful and brave Harrison is, proving that he can awake the fear even from the boldest. 

Just the idea of a world where no matter how hard you tried or how much effort  you put into a project you will always be held at that same cage fighting for an endless battle, is mind blowing. Imagine how miserable life would have to be, to have to endure all these never ending obstacles enabling you to achieve or show your fullest potential! Living a dull and equal life is everything that is mentioned in this ironic story but it seems as if everyone is fine with it or maybe used to it. Except, for the courageous main character that fights for what he believes in until the end. If the world was filled with such daring individuals like Harrison Bergeron, society would be more honest and confident enough to go after the impossible, not caring whether they'll succeed or fail. Harrison, like many individuals today, sacrificed his individual "freedom" in order to provide justice for the people.   

As the years pass, we have seen many individuals similar to Harrison Bergeron; maybe it is not as apparent as for this story. However individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr. have made such a huge impact on humanity that a single paragraph is not nearly enough to how much recognition he deserves. To this day we are able to enjoy the gifts this country has provided us, the freedom and anti discriminative communities are resting on top of our feet. Regardless of this, decades ago this was just an illusion, an illusion that consisted of respect and love for one another without taking mind of the color of our skin. Martin fought, inspired, and publicized this right, bringing his bravery and courage along with him. His final goal was to free the black individuals from such dungeon that enabled them to become whatever they desired. Even ignoring the fact that out of this campaign, death was just at the corner.

Nowadays we humans have become quite materialistic, using jealousy, appearances, and determination just to be able to reach the most wanted goal. Even if this may sound terrible, once you read the story "Harrison Bergeron" you will thank God that society is not treated equal; that society is not being held in this simple box, and that this nation has one of the most coveted rights: freedom. An equal and non-competitive life is something that many aspire to but at the end, rather than bringing peace into our lives grief and sorrow will take its place.  

A Day To Remember

"You better not say a single word!" blurted out this very tall and awkward looking man.

"But we have to! This will be one of the most amazing things that will happen to the United States' history! I cannot even imagine how ecstatic everyone in the nation will be. I mean just look me, I am so surprised and amazed that MY Dad is going to make all of this happen and over night!!!! Oh… Lordy, lordy," sighed Stella.

"Stella I'm being very serious. If you don't keep your mouth sealed your family and everyone in this entire country will be in risk of dying. I cannot emphasize how important this whole information is! You have to be extremely confidential or you can just let this entire plan roll down the hill. Oh by the way… why were you even eavesdropping on this conversation Missy!?"

"Hmm.. I think it time for me to go to bed, See you later Napoleon!"

Regardless of the fact that at the period of time women were considered useless, this young but determined ten year old little girl name Stella Jefferson was like a precious diamond just waiting to be polished. She had dreams and aspired pure perfection. She knew women were as capable of completing any task same or even better than men.

As the sun rose up, opening its arms in form of rays, some weird noise was tingling in Stella ears.

"Wake up Stella! Wake up..! C'mon I'm so bored you have no idea… Napoleon left and I have nobody to play with" whined Timon, Stella's six year old baby brother.

While playfully pulling away the comforters from her face Stella jumped up and yelled,
"I know exactly what we're going to do today Timon! But first I need to know are you up for the challenge? Well are YOU!?" yelled Stella.

"As captain of this house I would be ashamed to deny you my presence in this challenging adventure, so… OF COURSE I'M READY, LET'S GO!" cheered baby Timon while tripping over Stella's never touched dolls.

It had been exactly twelve hours since either Timon or Stella had heard or seen Napoleon. While vigorously dying to know how everything went, she wanted to tell Timon EVERYTHING that was going on but there was no way was she going to tell a soul and then mess everything up!

"You know what would be so fun AND dangerous!?" Stella playfully asked.
"Hm.. No?" said Timon very innocently.
"Really Timon, it's like I've taught you NOTHING! C'mon let's sneak. Into. Dad's. OFFICE!"
"Have you absolutely gone insane!?!? You know Dad's office is out of the picture! We would get in SO much trouble. Let me just quote Dad on this, "Step a foot on this office without my permission you two will go through one of the most out of this world experiences, so bad that it will mark your life! That's right you will both have to go.. TO MOTHER'S SUNDAY TEA PARTIES FOREVER!!"

Stella rapidly covered Timon's mouth, ugh just the simple thought of this occurring made her spine tingle, her hair raise, and her saliva suddenly change into to this sour dry substance. But that didn't matter her curiosity was too high for any of this trouble to really establish itself, and as fast that though appeared it disappeared dragging her worries with it.

"Okay, okay I know you are very nervous but this is important and serious business" said Stella.
"SAME AS HAVING TO GO TO MOM'S TEA PARTIES!!!!!" Blurted out Timon knowing that the last thing that he ever wanted to do is go to those b-o-r-i-n-g tea parties.
"Relax… Timon you're better than that! Stand up for what you believe in!" said Stella.
"Hmm.. And what would that be?" Timon asked.
"Fine you don't want to help me I see, then you can kiss your captain role good-bye" said Stella obviously knowing what this was going to get her.
"What was that?"
"Can't hear you.."
"That's the brother I know and love,"said Stella while trying to hug Timon.

As fast as a team of horses they ran towards President Thomas Jefferson's office, they were rolling and squatting as if believing that such acts could possibly make them invisible. Sneaky kids, they were almost there when BAM! Molly was staring right into their feared pupils.

"Come here sweetie" hummed Stella, but that devilish dog refused to make a move!
"Okay Stella if Molly barks we're ruined, RUINED I TELL YOU!"
"Do I really have to threat you again Timon, if you want to run away like a little girl now is your chance, go on bye-bye…"
"Fine." said Timon, knowing that if he left he might as well be called Timona for the rest of his life.

As the kids slowly unlocked the beautifully art crafted doors, they unlocked that office smell. UGH!
"Hey Stella look at THIS!" yelled Timon while sitting in his Dad's humongous chair.
"BINGO! I knew you had it you! I mean we are siblings"

There it was, the folder that Stella had been fantasizing about for the past 12 hours. Sitting right there just waiting to be opened and splatter her with all the luscious and succulent information.

"OHMYGOSH!!! Dad spent almost 15 million dollars to expand the United States!" gasped Stella while wrapping her sweaty hand around Timon neck so he could come and see the news.
"Hey, you're about to kill me! God didn't create words for nothing!" cried Timon.
"Fine come here and check this out!"
"Dad started this whole negotiation deal by sending Uncle Livingston to Paris two years ago! Remember, and he told us that he was going for his yearly vacation can you say LIER!"
"Really, look at this Stella 3 MILLION DOLLARS in gold as down payment?! Ugh what a waste" said Timon.

This was a very large document that stated all the agreements in which President Thomas Jefferson agreed to in order to get a hold of this land. It certainly stated that it was previously claimed by the French but now it belonged to AMERICA! It was planned that the president would announce this great news on July 4th.

"Hey timon want to know a secret? Napoleon told me that we could gain FOURTEEN STATES out this whole negotiation deal, and the best part is that he is going to do it tonight! I can't wait until he comes back and..

The doors creaked open; there was a sudden chill in the air. Frightened that it could possibly be who they thought it was Stella and Timon covered eyes. As if by doing so, they were creating an unbreakable shield that would somehow transport them to another dimension in no more than 3 seconds. 
"Stella and Timon WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN MY OFFICE!" roared a very angry man.

That's all they needed to know, to be able to conclude that their lives were officially over.

Last Chance

"Run…!!! Come on..! Save yourself, get in the boat!!"

This is all I could hear. No matter how hard my eyes, no matter how hard my brain tried to take in the concept that almost half the people in my island were dying, my legs just seemed to be planted to the ground. My surroundings were nothing as I remembered, the sand, the palm trees, the soothing sound of the drums playing in the streets were all replaced by the terrifying yells, deathly looks, and helpless people begging for help. As much I try to think, harder and harder each time no reason came to mind.

"What was it that brought this island to such misery!? What deathly creature or human being could have possibly doomed us to such despair?!".

"Come on Lucia, get on the boat now!!!" yelled her Mother, Liliana.

Deep down there was something bigger, Lucia had spent all of her 18 years breathing the air of this island, do you think she was going to give up at something she loved this much? OF COURSE NOT! Lucia was ready for all of the obstacles all the tiny rocks that stood in her way. Whatever it was instead of her fearing the mysterious creature, he would was going to fear her!

Tracing back to the moment this is all began it was so calm, giving off no signs of destruction. Except after sometimes people were throwing up. Their cheerful faces turned as pale as milk, the spark in their eyes was gone, like life for the dead. Their skin was infested by strange rashes, they suffered from backaches, fatigue, high fevers, intensive coughing, but most importantly those disgusting bumps in the faces giving them a tree like surface. Which were spreading faster than water in a waterfall. All she could remember was when her father, Doctor Timon, a virologist had mentioned some weird word "virus" to her. He said that if it was severe enough and if we did not find a cure it would eventually kill us all.

"Could I really be that stupid?" Alicia laughed at her own ignorance knowing that all of her questions would soon be answer at a heartbeat. She only needed to go to her Dad's office and read his notes! That was it, her father was a genius, they swam in money. But does this matter right now? Not even a smidge. Life had no price.

Lucia's mind was racing knowing that at any moment that boat would sail off, taking the chances of survival with it. However, there was one thing that always raced to her mind out of all the times she had spent with her father she knew that a virus was a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of organisms. This tiny things could affect absolutely anyone! From a animals to plants from the biggest to the smallest no exceptions whatsoever. It was a parasite that could not survive without a host, and that would be us.

"NOO!" Lucia exploded with anger. Timon had locked the office, there was no way she was getting in now. Lucia's Dad was so careful with everything, a perfectionist at its finest. But not getting in was not an option. So she banged, kicked, and knocked the door down. Such beautiful office was laying in front of her eyes. The crystal clear windows reminded Lucia even more to why she was there. Find the evidence.
"Where can it be!? I have to find it please..!" By a mistake notebook fall out of the desk. Pictures of tiny weird looking figures greeted her.
"What is this? I can't believe it this is it!!!" Her heart was beating so fast it could have ran right out. Influenza virus, human immunodeficiency virus, the answer is right here! These were the issues that were KILLING everyone in the island. Absorbing every word written every meaning, it said that it was
infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae. Its symptoms are fevers, headaches, muscle aches. These were all the symptoms that she noticed from everyone, including her own mom! It was transmitted through the air due to sneezes and coughs, making our body each day weaker and weaker.

Still, after discovering the reason to some viruses she wanted to find out what those disgusting looking bumps were from! All of her questions her soon answers once you stumbled upon the deadly disease.. smallpox. A deadly disease that consists of viruses such as cowpox, monkeypox, orf, and molluscom contagiosum. Her father was specifically stated that this disease only affected humans!
"No wonder none of the animals in the island had me impacted an all!" thought Lucia.

As soon as she realized how much time she had taken, as fast as light she sprinted towards the boat. Ignoring the fact that she had dropped the book along the way. Before boarding the boat she thought to herself ..
"Is this going to save all of us? Is this going to cure us all from this deadly disease and offer us a new beginning? Or was is this the beginning of a horrible and painful death?". And as fast as that thought came it sailed off, same as the boat.

Like an endless warm hug, forgiveness fills our life with joy.
It's free, it's simple. But not everyone can take pleasure in such wonderful gift.
The weak, the vulnerable can never forgive. Forgiveness is only an attribute of the strong.
When you forgive it's almost as if you were setting a prisoner free.. then discovering that the prisoner was you.