January Portfolio

Is it a Blessing or a Curse?

Every day we wake up to a futuristic world where technology can be found in even the smallest corners; a world where without such important resource, many lives and jobs could be created or demolished. We are slowly beginning to wonder whether out of this luxurious gift destruction is done, rather than good. In the short article "Where has technology taken us, really?" by an anonymous author wise thoughts are being presented to the public; explaining why even though technology can be a blessing right now, how it could rapidly become a curse.

During the past centuries humans have been unlocking the doors to the modern world we know today, making us very fortunate that we're given the opportunity to execute, obtain, and discover the unthinkable. Today technology is one of the most useful sources. Let me just put it this way you are able to communicate with anyone around the globe by simply sending them an e-mail or with a text message guarantying an almost instantaneous response. However, probably the best advantage that technology has to offer everyone are the creations of new jobs such as computer programmers or system analyzers. These are just a few of the many new employment opportunities created with the help of IT. It would be such an easy task for me to write about all the benefits that we get from technology, however like many things this source has an ugly face hidden behind that pretty smile.

Despite the fact that technology can bring many benefits into our lives; sadly there are multiply drawbacks that follow, such as unemployment and privacy issues. At the beginning of time men were usually considered the ones who had to do all the labor work, however today the only thing required is a single click of a mouse to get the job completed. It's very harsh to think that maybe society is being replaced by machines and due to this, employers from jobs such as wheat separator or of any other manual profession are the ones that have to deal with this problem. Even if technology can make it very convenient to communicate globally; it has also brought privacy issues such as signal interceptions or any sort of hacking, meaning that an industry to keep its content private has to constantly update their security. This is unacceptable to have to worry about our personal information from becoming public knowledge, what have we gotten ourselves in!

Even though technology can be both a blessing and curse we must get serious; most of our daily routines require at least some sort of this tool, whether it's with a computer or a cell phone. It truly impresses me how much our world has changed due to this source, just as Albert Einstein mentioned in his famous quote "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity". Nowadays technology has become the major source in schools and families. Just think about it; a child could be using a computer to work on flash cards to improve his/her alphabet or a school might use laptops so that their students have a broad concept of many new things. At the same time a kid could be using this source to look at inappropriate  material and schools may feel as if they don’t have to pay the teacher as much because the internet is doing all the teaching. Long story short, technology can be very sneaky so we must be very careful with it if we want to stay protected.

In the short article "Where has technology taken us, really?" by an anonymous author it really made me see the two faces of technology pretty and ugly. Also, explaining that even if this source sounds fabulous you must be conscious that if you don't look out for it will get to you at full speed. Use it right and with awareness otherwise instead of being a blessing technology will become a curse.


My soul was taken away on the wings of an eagle. I oversee the snow on top of mountains. I oversee the waves crashing upon rocks. Everything seems ideal, as if I were entering a room called "perfection". Time will be just an illusion. an illusion that will be provided by the power of my mind. Here comes the future, because I am done with the PAST.

A New Beginning

Being able to travel around this world to me has always been fascinating. However, words can't even describe the excitement that ran through my veins when found out I was going back to my native country: Ecuador. Even if you are secretly wondering what Ecuador is I can tell you that regardless of who you are, with its rich mixes of cultures, people, beaches and many many more Ecuador is sure to open its arms and welcome you inside, to have a great time!

Ecuadorians are mainly known as for having this very fun and cheerful attitude towards everybody. Saying that you can imagine how friendly everyone was. With such hyper and joyful attitude the festivities as a whole country are just so much fun! If you were ever to ask a random person in the street "What is your favorite festivity in Ecuador?" I can guarantee you that they would say "New Year's, hands down!!". The reason to why the new year's celebration is so important is because it's a way to celebrate the year that is about to end and the great things that happened in it, as well as finding a way to burn all those bad situations that you had also experienced.

Even if you are given this opportunity to do multiply fun activities the best part of this celebration is the chance to get together with your entire family! This year I had so much fun during new years; with my family and friends we welcomed the new year as it should be, with happiness and with expectations for the best. All the negative energy was thrown out the window and to show this at exactly 11:55 we start burning what we like to call "Ano Viejo". A translation of "Old Year"; an ano viejo is like a dummy designed at your likes, and when burnt you are supposedly burning the bad and negative memories that had occurred to you that year.

Every new years my family has a tradition of buying many fireworks to demonstrate and show our gratitude to all of the great things that happened to us that year. We all sing and dance as much as possible but I must say that my favorite time is when we all have the karaoke contest to see who gets the highest score, and of course that would me! However regardless of all the fireworks, singing, and dancing I always appreciate the fact that I was given the opportunity to enjoy this very special occasion with all of the people that I love.

The Two Faces of Happiness

The waves keep crashing the endless shore, Feeding off the vast clear blue sky. What a beautiful creation, both so serene and peaceful complementing each other like diamonds and gold. My soul is absorbing all the harmonies that the birds are signing. All the sounds; that earth is creating, repeating them over and over again. Worries of the past are now being locked up, with locks of steal. However sooner or later, without any warning. As slow as a vicious snake. my fears: will creep out.\