First Proficiency #1:
I can analyze galaxies and the differences between galaxies. I will compare the Milky Way Galaxy to other types of galaxies
Each day we wake up to a world in where the sun always rises, and even if it is hidden by the cloudy sky you know it is still there. A world in where our knowledge has taken us to many astonishing places: including space. This universe; has many unknown planets, moons, and galaxies in which would be impossible to name all of the different kinds due to the fact that the universe is so vast and many have not even been discovered. However, today I have been given the chance to explain the diversity and similarities of most.
If you have not yet realized that beyond our galaxy, the Milky Way exists a different vista you may not know as much as you thought about the universe. There are many types of galaxies that are classified in different types. However, what do you do with the ones that are just simply no where to categorize? These types of galaxies are called "Irregular Galaxies". An example is the Large Magellanic Cloud located within our galactic neighborhood. They are large spiral galaxies in which variation of shapes is common. Unlike the Megallanic Cloud the Milky Way is actually categorized as spiral galaxy. Noting that they are both categorized differently they are still similar because they both have
Even though the irregular galaxies are very important there are still many more. There is the Andromeda galaxy which is thought to look quite similar to our galaxy if it weren't for all the gas, dust, and stars prohibiting astronomers to take a clear look. The Andromeda galaxy is spiral, spiral galaxies have a bulge at the center and spiral arms. Such spiral arms are made up of gas, dust, and new stars that have formed in the denser regions of gas and dust.
The Andromeda galaxy is just one out of many, there are also elliptical galaxies. These types of galaxies have a very distinct look. With those very bright centers and very little dust and gas they are mostly made out of old stars. Due to the fact that since there is so little free-flowing gas in where few new stars are able to form. An example of an elliptical galaxy is M87 which of course unlike the Milky Way has no spiral arms.
Overall having said that there are many types of galaxies in the universe such as irregular, spiral, and elliptical galaxies; even though they are different from each other we still have know that at the end they are all galaxies. Galaxies which today I have more knowledge of.
Second Proficiency
During the past decades, humans have been able to discover and solve the unthinkable, reaching high altitudes of intelligence and accomplishments. A big part of all of these achievements is technology; due to the fact that thanks to all of the technology that has been introduced to America and the whole world we have been able to understand, and learn more about our universe.
Going back many centuries ago man kind have used their resources to the fullest. However the key component to knowing all of what we know today about our universe is as simple as a telescope. Telescopes were first made by Hans Lipperhey in Germany. Thanks to this amazing piece of technology wise men were able to use this and make everything that we know out of it. However, now that technology has taken a big step we now use an improved telescope which is the Hubble space telescope. Providing us with better images of objects in deep space, helping us discover or identify many items and everything concerning the Universe.
With this great discovery of the telescope humans centuries ago were able to observe the outsides of our world, to a more vast and majestic scene. However it was the curiosity that drove the our first astronomers to hypothesize what our universe or galaxy was really like. The only resources were oral histories, and their eyes and minds. Observing the night sky; distinguishing night from day, season from season, and slowly unfolding the truth about the universe.
Even though the telescope and human mind were a huge help to discovering much more about our universe, to get an even more precise observations of the planets and stars a "brahe" was used. A brahe is a large quarter-circle on a wall used to measure the positions of stars and planets. Many more pieces of "help" were used to understand more of what we know. However now that technology, and our knowledge has expand to what seems to be the fullest our modern help for astronomy are spacecrafts, computers, and larger and better telescopes in which its location can vary from earth and space helping us answer many question as well as introducing many new possibilities behind our galaxy.
We have a reached a point in human history in where the people's knowledge and discoveries have made this path in where new facts, and new ideas are born or found. However it is important to credit all of the tools that helped the nation understand things that cannot be seen with the naked eye and think about all the discoveries that will be made in the future with the advanced technology that will be created. Who knows maybe we'll be able to discover Earth's parallel world.
Third Proficiency
I can research the history of constellations. My research will delve into the stories and the myths associated with each constellation. I will create my own constellation either changing the story of a real constellation or creating one on my own.
After every sunset, at night my father and I had this tradition of losing ourselves in my vast backyard. Laying on the wet grass and gazing at the night sky counting an endless amount of bright stars. Not only would we create trillions of new figure just by using our imagination, but he would also tell me the history and some of the myths about these figures which were called constellations.
"Mia, Mia!" Come here he would yell.
"What Dad, what is it" I said.
"You see that figure?" he said, while pointing at many groups of stars. My mind immediately started picking up the images!
"I see them! That's Orion for the Greek and the Drums for the Japanese. And that’s…"
"Ok, ok settle down I know you know them all!" But let me tell you a little story."
"Wait Dad can you please…….. Tell me the story about Orion?!"
The myth about Orion was Mia's favorite!
"Sure, why not."
"Many years ago at first when there was no technology not even a telescope, only the naked eye. People would see the same stars that we see today! He would tell me.
And like us, they would start making up some figures. In Greece it was very common to see people identifying some group stars such as the one we know today as Orion.
"Ok Dad I know that part by heart, so can please just skip to the story?"
"Hmm fine." he responded
"Orion was a GIANT huntsman, he was the son of Neptune. But as he grew older he met this girl named Merope and fell madly in love. Merope was the daughter of f Oenopion, king of Chios, and
sought her in marriage. He was willing to do anything to be able to marry her but her Father just did not want him even after he got rid of all the wild beasts in the island. So in return he attempted to gain power of the maiden by violence. Merope's Father hated this and as a punishment he made Orion get drunk and deprived him of his sight, casting him out on the sea shore. The blinded hunter then wandered off until soon his sight was back. But as he was reaching the shore with just his head showing, Apollo brother of Orion's present partner Diana hated Orion and as soon as he recognized him he told Diana that she would never be able to hit that black thing on the sea. With fatal aim, soon after Orion's body was rolled to shore. And with immense regret Diana placed him among the stars.
BOOM! While being in the middle of the story Mia and her Dad had suddenly heard this unexplainable and loud bang.
"Daaaaaaad! What was that!?"
"I'm guessing Mom is trying to bake you your birthday cake."
Laugher filled their bodies, this is why Mia just loved these moments.
"Wait Dad I'm curious about how first of all the constellations were created, and how the same stars always stay together like for Orion. I mean we always see him attacking the bull and with his easily recognizable three stars known as his belt."
Well, constellations are groups of celestial bodies which appear to form patterns in the sky. Like all stars they were created from huge clouds of dust and gases mainly hydrogen and helium. They are very very useful because you can with constellations you can navigate and keep track of time. Now to answer your other question, the reason is simple. Even though all stars are moving through space they are so far away that they seem to stay in the same place.
To know this really made me happy because that meant that Mia would always be able to see her msot favortite constellation of all. It was located right on top of her house she loved it so much because it looked exactly like her precious cat: Pepper. When she would look at it, it would showe her pretty eyes and those big spots that looked just like a cow!
"Mia. I have something to give you. I know how much looking at the sky means to you so I got you this."
As soon as Mia opened the envelope she was speechless. Tears filled her eyes, there was no way that her Dad had just gotten her tickets to go all over to New South Wales, Australia!!!!! This place is best known as for having one of the world's darkest skies. Which meant that she was going to experience an unbelievable scenery!
"THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" The flight was exactly the day after.
"Well what are you waiting for? Go pack before it's too late"
"No Dad, with a tender smile she said. I would much rather stay a little longer looking at the stars. With you."
Fourth Proficiency
I can effectively explain the different theories of the universe. I will discuss theories starting from Ancient Greece through the theories discussed in present day. I will analyze all theories and make a judgment based on my research on which is most valid.
Many years ago in the small village of Luna Blanca there lived a very shy but intelligent young boy. His name was Hugo Lombardi. Hugo's intelligence was beyond the normal, many kids in his neighborhood envied him to such a point that they would never allow him to ever play with them. So instead he would devour every single book that he got a hold of. However his favorite hobby was staring at the majestic night sky unfolding his curiosity to the fullest, entering a world where all his thoughts and judgments were never criticized.
Although Hugo seemed to be a normal nine year old, he hid a bizarre talent, he was able travel and see the future! But there was something that disturbed him greatly as much as he had tried he wasn't able to go back in time and see what truly created the universe. Young but wise, Hugo shared his intelligence with his crush Nina Zevallos.
"Nina, Nina! Come here you will not believe what I just found out!" Hugo rushed over to Nina who was talking to her sister Nora.
"Oh my gosh! Did you find it?!" She immediately asked.
"Yes Nina! You will not believe it I found out there are many types of theories to explain how the universe was created. Come over to the tree house at 4:30 and I can show you all of them!"
"Oh trust me, I'll be there!" said Nina.
The time had come, Nina and Hugo were discussing all of the different theories regarding the origin of the universe.
"Well Nina, I know that the theory that you believe in is that God was the creator of the universe and of all creatures. I'm sure that many people think that as well. BUT, I found out that by far the most popular theory is the big bang theory!" said Hugo with excitement.
"The big bang theory? What is that..?" asked Nina.
"Nina! You don't know what the big bang theory is!?" asked Hugo.
"Is it the show?"
"Haha, no Nina. It's the theory that states the idea that the universe came into existence at a certain point about fifteen to twenty billion years ago! In this book, it says that originally the universe was in an extremely hot and dense tiny little ball. But then it expanded very quickly and still is! Do you know what that means!? The universe being so vast is STILL expanding and will continue to! Look at this, imagine if we were able to see the explosion that created the universe..! Woow and it mentions that as soon as matter began to come together it formed galaxies!"
"Wow Hugo, I'm very impressed" said Nina with her usual quirky smile. Hugo started blushing but immediately changed the subject.
"Nina that's not all! Did I mention that centuries ago the Greek thought that the universe was created by chaos! A dark intangible element, a kind of primeval void which was followed by the birth of Gaia the goddess of the Earth. Without a mate she gave birth to Uranus (the sky) ,the mountains, and Pontus (the sea). "
"Really!? Wow they had a very creative imagination don’t you think?" said Nina.
That same night Hugo was able to get his portal to the future. He was able to get all the equipment that him and Nina needed to go back in time and see for themselves which theory was true and fake.
After doing all the research regarding this subject, I believe that even if we don't exactly know for sure how the universe was created I like the Big Bang theory the most. It really explains it the best and has scientific proof behind it. Also, it's very obvious that what the Greeks thought is only a myth due to the fact that the bases of the story not only are they impossible to do, but there is no proof behind it. However, if you are a very religious person then it is no surprise that you would most likely believe that the universe was created by God. Maybe in the future we will have the adequate tools to test whether the Big Bang theory is or isn't the most precise theory of all.
Fifth Proficiency
I can analyze the origins of our solar system. Starting with the sun, my research will emphasize how our solar system formed, the differences between inner planets and outer planets, and analyze the future of our sun and the solar system.
Sixth Proficiency
I can analyze the differences between comets, asteroids, meteors and moons. I will research orbits and discuss differences of what we see from the Earth’s surface (phases). I will analyze the effect the moon’s orbit has on our planet. I will predict what would happen if Earth had a 2nd moon or the distance to the moon was increased or decreased.